
Opera VPN Ubuntu 16.04

Since version 40, Opera has offered a built-in VPN solution in their browser: "In April, Opera added a free, unlimited VPN to the developer edition of its browser. Now, the company has brought that same capability to the stable version of its Opera 40 desktop browser."

Varnish bunny

Drupal has a flood protection feature, which bans a user after a number of failed login attempts:

"Drupal 7 prevents brute force attacks on accounts. It blocks login by a user that has more than 5 failed login attempts (within six hours) or an IP address that has more than 50 failed login attempts (within one hour)."

Drupal VM

From the official Github page: "Drupal VM is A VM for local Drupal development, built with Vagrant + Ansible."

Install NFS-kernel-server and git
If you haven't already, install nfs-kernel-server and Git:

sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server git

Firefox Keyword Google search

The Keyword field in Firefox Bookmarks can be used to create shortcuts and smart searches. For some reason, sometimes if you define a new keyword, the latest keyword will be deleted. Keeping track of your keywords is hard though, since there isn't a way to list all keywords in use...

varnish port 80

With the latest update of Varnish, the configuration file has moved to a new place. This is how you do it Debian 8 with varnish 4.1.4-1~jessie:

Create folder and insert in /etc/systemd/system/varnish.service.d/customexec.conf:

sudo -i
mkdir /etc/systemd/system/varnish.service.d
vi /etc/systemd/system/varnish.service.d/customexec.conf

If you try to create a custom shortcut with <Super> + M (Super is the Windows key), it might be ignored, since that shortcut is already taken by the Gnome Shell.

To fix this, simply reassign the short cut with the command below.

Check if Super + M is already taken, and remove it:

$ gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.shell.keybindings | grep Super

evolution loaded

If you want to stop Evolution from running in the background, even if you don't use it, and save some RAM, here is a quick way. Supposedly, you can't un-install it, since other programs depend on it. But by preventing the file from being executed you can prevent it from starting.

Log in as root with sudo -i first, run these commnands, and reboot for it to take effect:

If you use the default version of Nemo with Ubuntu 16.04, it crashes if you open a new tab while other files are selected. Upgrading to Nemo 2.8.7 fixes this bug.

You can upgrade by running these commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/nemo
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nemo nemo-fileroller

Installing Brother HL-2240 printer on Ubuntu 16.04

To install a Brother HL-2240 printer on Ubuntu 16.04, download the Driver Install Tool.

Unpack the Driver Install Tool and begin the installation with these two commands:


By installing Memcached on your server, you can speed up the load time for your web site pages.

From the official web site: "Free & open source, high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.