I always add these GNOME extensions to fix a few annoying quirks in Ubuntu Gnome (20.04), they should be included by default in Ubuntu, in my opinion. Arc Menu requires gnome-tweaks:

Here are my notes on copying the content of an old storage hard drive over to a new. The label of the old hard drive is "archive" and the label of the new hard drive is "archive_2017". It is assumed that your old hard drive will be mounted at "/archive".

NOTE: There's no guarantee that this will work for you, and some parts might have been left out unintentionally. You need to double-check everything before doing it yourself!

Insert new hard drive and check its name:

sudo lshw -C disk

Since you can't change mp3 "Open with" "Default application" from Audacious to fx VLC under Properties in Ubuntu 16.04, and it is annoying to get your playlist deleted every time you open a single mp3-file, here is a work-around.

Go to File > Settings > Playlist and uncheck "Clear the playlist when opening files".

When you reply to a message or create a new message in Thunderbird, the default format is "Paragraph".

To change it to "Body Text", deactivate the "Use Paragraph format..." option under Edit > Preferences > Composition > General, and the default paragraph format changes from "Paragraph" to "Body Text".

To install and run Needrestart:

sudo apt-get install needrestart
sudo needrestart

For more info: When to Restart Services or Reboot after Update on Debian or Ubuntu

The program at Github: https://github.com/liske/needrestart

With Scrapy you can crawl web sites and get their content, mainly text and images. Since it isn't possible to install Scrapy with sudo apt-get install scrapy, the recommended way is to install it inside a virtual Python environment called Anaconda.

With these commands you can get Scrapy up and running on Ubuntu 16.04:

Download the latest Anaconda to your /tmp directory and start the installation, you can always see if there is a new release here: https://repo.continuum.io/archive/

I prefer to keep Thunderbird messages bold (unread), until I have opened them by pressing Enter, or marked them read by pressing M.

The only way I have found to get this behavior is go to Edit > Preferences > Display > Advanced, select "Automatically mark as read", select "After displaying for seconds" and enter a very high number in the seconds field.

Thunderbird display settings

Now the messages stay unread even after Previewing.

October is an up and coming CMS, with a growing user base "October is a free, open-source, self-hosted CMS platform based on the Laravel PHP Framework. A simple and modular CMS that grows with you, with a precise and beautiful interface that comes as second nature." From: https://octobercms.com/

With these commands you can quickly spin up a fresh Octboer CMS installation in Scotch Box

From Firefox 57 onwards, Add-ons will stop working and be replaced with WebExtensions. One very used Add-on is Self-Destructing Cookies, but this extension will not be rewritten as a WebExtension. As a replacement you can use Cookie AutoDelete.

Install the WebExtension as normal, and configure Firefox and the Cookie AutoDelete WebExtension:

Firefox cookie settings

If you have an image file attached to a Thunderbird e-mail message, it's easy to delete at the bottom of the message, by right-clicking and selecting Detach. But if the image is embedded, you don't have that option.

To detach embedded images in a Thunderbird e-mail message, the easiest method is to set mailnews.display.show_all_body_parts_menu to True under Edit → Preferences → Config Editor. Now, a fourth option will be available under View → Message Body As → All Body Parts.