
Sometimes, the font size on a web site is too small, for example at where the font-size is 11.2 pixel. You can override the text size locally, via the userContent.css file.

Also, highlighting links can be useful, to allow tabbing between them.


If you need to resize a lot of images, doing it manually in Gimp is an option, but can take a long time.

In stead, you could do it from the command line, with the mogrify tool, which is included in imagemagick.

Install it like this:

Thunderbird spellchecker English

Ubuntu 18.04 comes with a lot of variations of English, which can clutter the spellchecker in Thunderbird and Firefox.

A quick way of removing some of the variations of English, the safest method is uninstalling the unneeded language packages.

In my case, I had these in my /usr/share/hunspell folder:

Electrum logo

Electrum is a light weight Bitcoin wallet. There are many advantages of using a Desktop wallet, as opposed to keeping your digital currency on an exchange, where you have less control. Another, and possibly safer solution, would be using a hardware wallet.

authentication required

If your Ubuntu installation sometimes drops into a black screen showing something like /dev/sda1: clean, 227147/30269440 files, 3330843/121068288 blocks, try to get get back to your installation by pressing Alt+F2.

You might see a password prompt with this text:

GPRename shortcut

Pyrenamer doesn't exist for Ubuntu 18.04, but GPRename is a similar GUI batch renamer app from the default Ubuntu repositories. To quickly open a program in Ubuntu, you can press the Super (Windows) key and start typing, but GPRename isn't added after installing it:


If you have switched graphic card driver from Nvidia to Nouveau in Ubuntu, you might get this message after boot, where it just hangs:

ffmpeg resizing

You can reduce the size of a video by reducing the resolution with the ffmpeg program.


sudo apt install ffmpeg

Lower the quality, for smaller files

Add for example -crf 26 to reduce the quality, where 23 is the default, 0 is lossless and 51 is worst quality.

Snap list

Snap is a new experiment in Ubuntu 18.04, which makes the File System useless, as well as other annoyances like creating a folder in /home/username/Snap.

To uninstall Snap and reinstall the packages the normal way:

sudo apt purge snapd
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gnome-calculator gnome-characters gnome-logs gnome-system-monitor
VLC as default MP3 player

If you have tried everything, but can't set VLC as default application for MP3's, last resort is to manually update ~/.config/mimeapps.list.